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Thursday, October 7, 2010

6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Grade Student Portfolio's

All Students will be responsible this year for maintaining a complete portfolio of all assignments that we do in class!

Each student must have a 2" binder along with loose leaf paper for this class. All handouts and classwork as well as homework assignments will be kept in this binder which will be left in class at all times.

If students needs to complete any missing assignments he/she may take the portfoliohome to finish the work and catch up. 

However, all students are responsible for ensuring that their portfolios are complete by the end of each quarter for grading purposes.  Each student will be given their binder at the end of the year!

It is strictly the student's responsibility to properly maintain his/her own portfolio!

9th Grade ESL Class

Due Nov. 1st 2010 - The House on Mango Street written by: Sandra Cisneros

All 9th grade students should have purchased their own copy of the book and should be working on the reading log packet that was distributed in class.  Each student must submit a completed packet along with all work including the essays on the various themes within the story no later than Monday November 1st!

We will also be working on this story and the themes discussed within the story during class. 

Welcome to my new Blog!

Welcome to the 2010/2011 School year Archimedes ESL students!

Hope you enjoyed your summer and are settling back into the new school year!

In honor of our new school year welcome to my new ESL Blog where you will be able to find all of your daily assignments and information regarding our class!

Happy Blogging!